‘We are
moving away from our dependence on the central guiding authority that traditional
have sustained our culture and I came to realise that our society is hidden
spiritual message from us, it is concealing the spirituality that forms part of
our heritage and by doing so we are giving the future generation especially our
children nothing or very little to believe in.’ anonymous
most potent and effective men and women…are those with religious underpinnings
to their life…. To not have some kind of spiritual practice in one’s life …is a
serious mistake.’ Steve Biddulph, an Australia’s best-selling author.

This is not about just been creative; the stories in this
book are historical accounts of events on how the Orisa and people who have
existed before us have lived their lives. The accounts of events were taking
out of various Odu Ifa collected over years from my father, mother, brothers
and elders in the Yoruba traditional religion.
While a young Olorisa, each day with my dad is a learning
process. I have listened to my dad over time as he lectures us and his students
with Ifa stories on our weekly gathering. The stories have lived with me since
There are two hundred and fifty
six odu Ifa, much has been documented but not enough can be written. Odu Ifa
and its verses are more than messages for clients seeking spiritual help.The meanings are more profound and are vehicle to travel
into the ancient time. It is a means by which spiritual teachers and student
can conduit into the realm of their ancestors.
A lot of
people want to know what Ifa position on various issues is. As an Olorisa, born
and raise a traditionalist, I took it upon myself to look for verses of Ifa
that touches on everyday issues that we can related to in today's world, in
order to get a look into the past from the present and take the lessons back
with us.
In this book you will find answers to why we give Iyanle and offering to Egbe orun. Why Babalawo keep the sacrifical items leftover, Why Orunmila is the one everyone goes to to solve their problems, why it is not a good idea to test an Awo. An omo awo who steal from his master, snatch his wife and went rogue. And so many significant Ifa stories.
In this book you will find answers to why we give Iyanle and offering to Egbe orun. Why Babalawo keep the sacrifical items leftover, Why Orunmila is the one everyone goes to to solve their problems, why it is not a good idea to test an Awo. An omo awo who steal from his master, snatch his wife and went rogue. And so many significant Ifa stories.
My interest in Ifa stories goes beyond self-interest but also to
be able to inform and educate people about the relevance of Ifa in
our daily lives.
This is my way of contributing
to the future of African Yoruba Traditional religion. Ifa stories are Yoruba
traditional people time travel machine into the past. It is a compass into the
world that exists before us. I hope this book will help people to see how Ifa
stories of the past remain relevant till today. The oral art of Africans are
rich and they remain living traditions that continue to evolve and flourish
My Ifa Stories is available on
Ifayemisi Elebuibonwww.iyalajemarket.com